
     We cross the equator for the second time. En Route to Kampala, Uganda.



     From the saddle: the beautiful ride to to Kampala, Uganda.



     Several volcanos on the Rwanda/Uganda border. Mountain gorillas live high on these hills. The road here was in a terrible state; the bike and I took a beating for hours on end.

     Warm, beautiful and friendly are words I would choose to decribe Uganda. The capital city of Kampala is a vibrant, modern town. The Indian food here is exceptional. The country is green, lush and gorgeous. Lake Buryuni is a great place to hang out and relax before (or after) cutting the rug in Kampala. The Nile has 2 sources, 1 is in Uganda, at a rugged little village called Jinja. Here I met a Scotsman who was kind enough to show me around the area. If you ever find yourself in Jinja, just ask for the only pub in town owned by a Scotsman, he's a friendly fellow and knows Uganda.